Registration procedures Bayonne

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Registration procedures Bayonne

Registration formalities Bayonne

Where ?

Centre de Ressources en Langues (CRL) – Site Côte Basque

21 place Paul Bert – CS88530

64185 BAYONNE Cedex

Tel.: 05 59 57 42 88

By post or by email

Download the registration form on the website

Fill it in AND sign it.

Send it to CRL - Site Côte Basque with the required documents: copy of the diploma requested, photo and a deposit of €100 corresponding to the advance on tuition fees (by bank transfer or French cheque)

2023/2024 application form to download - 155ko

If you want to have a rough idea of your level:

When ?


Registration must be carried out and approved before the day of the level tests.

Check on the page of the requested course if there is a registration deadline.


Caution !

Courses at IEFE Bayonne are extensive and do not allow for visas for non-EU students. (Intensive courses are delivered at IEFE Pau).

The remaining tuition fee is paid in full on the first day of the course.


Cancellation conditions


In the event of withdrawal before the start of the course, the advance on the tuition fees will be retained for administrative costs.

Any course started is due in full; no refunds will be made starting from the first day of the course.



Any absence on the day of the tests must be notified in advance and justified.


Late arrivals are accepted up to one week after the first day of the initial course for beginners and two weeks for other levels.