DU summer diploma in Pau

DU summer course in PAU

Where ?

Campus de Pau

When ?

In Pau : from the 30th of june to the 24th of July 2025 (4 weeks)

Placement test : 30th of June 2025

Course outline

  • 3 hours of French language and culture classes every morning from 9.30 to 12.30.
  • In the afternoons, the IEFE offers :

- otionnal workshops (twice a week) : theater, chanson française and French learning games

- recreational, cultural and sporting activities : visit of the castle, tasting of our city’s food specialties, rafting, Basque pelota, etc.

  • 10 to 18 students per group
  • Upon completion of the course, you will be awarded a level certificate, based on progressive assessment. A certificate is provided upon request.

Students must have proof of valid insurance in order to take part in any excursions

Summer course brochure - 570ko



Placement test on Monday the 1st of July, 2024

At the beginning of each session students must complete a short test designed to determine their current level of French. Students will then be divided into groups, which are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL). Any student who is absent on the day of the placement test will only be accepted if their corresponding group is not full.

A1 – Breakthrough/Beginner level

Students will learn about the language and how to communicate in everyday situations.

 A2 – Way stage or elementary levelReinforcement and practise of everyday French, spoken and written.

 B1 – Threshold or intermediate level

Continuation of language learning through an intensive study of French culture and society.

 B2 – Advanced or independent level

For students who display a certain level of proficiency in their use of French. At this level students will review and expand upon current knowledge, while learning new aspects to ensure a degree of fluency in written and oral communication.

 C1 – Mastery level (for autonomous users)

For students with a very advanced level of French, in-depth study of grammatical concepts, working towards understanding different registers through the study of authentic oral and written documents, and improvement of written expression. Exploration of the links between language, culture and civilisation.
Oral expression is constantly developed through various learning activities (conversation, role playing, etc.); written expression is also a key focus, developed using a variety of techniques.
Authentic documents (videos, songs, posters, ads, etc.) are used to improve written and oral comprehension.

The IEFE reserves the right not to open a group of a certain level if a minimum of 10 students isn’t reached.


There is also the possibility to eat  :

  • On campus at the university cafeteria, La Vague (around 3€ per meal)
  • Close to the campus (supermarket, fast food, takeaway, etc.)
 Course fees

Administrative fee : 100€

Course fee : 850 €

Total : 950€

In the case of a cancellation before the start date of the course, the administrative fee will not be refunded.

The full price will be forfeited if the student fails to notify the IEFE of non-attendance prior to this date.

Civil liability insurance compulsory.


Enrolments must be made.

  • The link will be installed in April 2025

Contact IEFE : 33 (0)5 59 40 73 85

 Mail : iefe@univ-pau.fr